Coach Stefan Rudolph holds a growing number of speaking engagements every year at schools, leadership programs, events, personal growth venues and many other related areas that focus on Personal Growth, Self Development and "Becoming Your Own Leader, Not a Follower". Telling his story to the world and especially to youth, teens and young
Coach Stefan Rudolph holds a growing number of speaking engagements every year at schools, leadership programs, events, personal growth venues and many other related areas that focus on Personal Growth, Self Development and "Becoming Your Own Leader, Not a Follower". Telling his story to the world and especially to youth, teens and young adults bringing a message of growth, a message of leadership and a message of hope, Coach Stefan Rudolph is "Inspired to Inspire."
Being Co-Authored with Les Brown in the #1 Best Seller "Living With Heart" ~ Wellness From The Inside Out ~ Coach Stefan Rudolph writes about the trials and tribulations in his own life in battling the "Dis...Ease" of Epilepsy combined with Addiction and Escapism, he now works to enrich the lives of others by writing more about his story, passion and strength.
Going through and growing through depression by being "Thank-Full" and eliminating Escapism.
Face Your Fears And Do It Anyways! Learn how to be able to push yourSelf to look up, get up, not give up & continue to grow.
How to face life's hardships and obstacles with strength, tenacity & the all-knowingness that change is a part of life. Even when this change includes hardship, sadness and depression...we must accept, Take Action & Grow!
"Be The Being That Takes Charge To Make It Your Ultimate Life!"
A new report from the CDC indicates that the number of Americans with epilepsy is increasing, with more than 3.4 million individuals diagnosed. This is the first time that the CDC has estimated epilepsy prevalence for each state.
The new findings suggest that epilepsy is widespread, according to the CDC.
In 2010, approximately 2.3 million adults were diagnosed with epilepsy, which increased to 3 million in 2015. Additionally, there were only 450,000 children with active epilepsy in 2010 and 470,000 children with the condition in 2015, according to the report.
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) is a great place to research and learn more interesting, informative and educational information on Epilepsy.
Key facts, signs and symptoms related to the rates of disease, causes, treatments, social and economic impacts, prevention and more related statistics and information on Epilepsy.
Amazing advice from a hands-on expert in her journey of effectively living with Epilepsy through Herbal Help and being able to combatively deal with and function in the following areas:
Epilepsy Stress, Epilepsy Anxiety, Epilepsy Lack of Focus, Epilepsy Sleep Issues, Epilepsy Calming Auras, Epilepsy Oils, Epilepsy Capsules, Epilepsy CBD, Epilepsy Hemp, along with other Herbs that Help in Hormonal Related Issues as well.
The Benefits of Omega 3 Oils in Treating Epilepsy.
"My story and journey in overcoming epilepsy are unique but not unheard of out there now and are positively becoming more and more commonly heard. To other epileptics who have become more intune with their own "Self" and what and how they are "Fueling Their Body", this story will resonate well.
Even after brain surgery did not work in 2007, I took it upon myself to develop the "M.A.P. System" ~ Meditation & Manifestation ~ Awareness & Attitude ~ Prayer & Positive Thinking"
~ Coach Stefan Rudolph ~